
The accurate prediction of bus passenger flow is the key to public transport management and the smart city. A long short-term memory network, a deep learning method for modeling sequences, is an efficient way to capture the time dependency of passenger flow. In recent years, an increasing number of researchers have sought to apply the LSTM model to passenger flow prediction. However, few of them pay attention to the optimization procedure during model training. In this article, we propose a hybrid, optimized LSTM network based on Nesterov accelerated adaptive moment estimation (Nadam) and the stochastic gradient descent algorithm (SGD). This method trains the model with high efficiency and accuracy, solving the problems of inefficient training and misconvergence that exist in complex models. We employ a hybrid optimized LSTM network to predict the actual passenger flow in Qingdao, China and compare the prediction results with those obtained by non-hybrid LSTM models and conventional methods. In particular, the proposed model brings about a 4%–20% extra performance improvements compared with those of non-hybrid LSTM models. We have also tried combinations of other optimization algorithms and applications in different models, finding that optimizing LSTM by switching Nadam to SGD is the best choice. The sensitivity of the model to its parameters is also explored, which provides guidance for applying this model to bus passenger flow data modelling. The good performance of the proposed model in different temporal and spatial scales shows that it is more robust and effective, which can provide insightful support and guidance for dynamic bus scheduling and regional coordination scheduling.


  • As a kind of dynamic traffic information, short-term bus passenger flow is a key point that both managers and travelers pay attention to

  • To maximize the advantages of various algorithms, this paper proposes a combinatorial optimization method based on Nesterov accelerated adaptive moment estimation (Nadam) and stochastic gradient descent algorithm (SGD)

  • To examine the feasibility of the hybrid optimized LSTM model for short-term passenger flow prediction, the hybrid optimized LSTM model is compared with five baselines

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As a kind of dynamic traffic information, short-term bus passenger flow is a key point that both managers and travelers pay attention to. When applying the LSTM model to transport forecast, the poor generalization could lead to larger forecast errors and affect the model stability To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a hybrid optimized LSTM network for short-term bus passenger flow prediction. The proposed hybrid optimized LSTM model for short-term bus passenger flow predicting integrates the advantages of both the Nadam and SGD algorithms to make the model converge faster and generalize better, reducing the prediction error. PPPrrrooobblleemm ddeefffiiinniittiioonn ooff sshhoorrtt--tteerrmm ppaasssseennggeerr fflfllooww pprreeddiiccttiioonn. SShhoorrtt--tteerrmm PPaasssseennggeerr FFllooww PPrreeddiiccttiioonn BBaasseedd oonn LLSSTTMM. LSTM is a good way to capture a large interval dependence from time series data of passenger flow It has a more complex network structure and stronger information extraction ability. Applying LSTM into passenger flow prediction can extract nonlinear features like the feedforward neural network, and effectively capture the time dependency of passenger flow, which will improve the accuracy of passenger flow prediction

SGD Algorithm
Nadam Algorithm
Switching Nadam to SGD
Capturing TXem p oral D e pendency b y LSTM
Evaluation Metric
Experimental Results and Analysis
A SimpleRNN model with
A SimpleRNN model with the proposed hybrid
Temporal Analysis
Value of Learning Rates
Full Text
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