
Urban rail transit is very important in modern urban transportation, which meets the needs of People's Daily travel. This paper aims to introduce the ARIMA model into the short-term passenger flow forecast of urban rail transit, analyze its principle and application method, and build ARIMA model combined with AFC data to forecast short-term passenger flow of urban rail transit. Through the research and improvement of ARIMA model, it is anticipated that it would give urban rail transport operators more precise and trustworthy short-term passenger flow forecasting capabilities, so as to realize more intelligent and efficient operation of urban rail transit system. In this study, the ARIMA model was established, and rigorous scientific methods such as residual test, autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) test, and comparison of predicted value and real value were adopted to conduct tests step by step according to the experimental process. Finally, it was confirmed that the excellent prediction accuracy of the ARIMA prediction model used in this paper, can provide accurate prediction results, and can be used in practical scenarios.

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