
To characterize infants affected with perinatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) who were referred to regional neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and their related short-term outcomes. This is a descriptive study evaluating the data collected prospectively in the Children's Hospital Neonatal Database, comprised of 27 regional NICUs within their associated children's hospitals. A consecutive sample of 945 referred infants born ⩾36 weeks' gestation with perinatal HIE in the first 3 days of life over approximately 3 years (2010-July 2013) were included. Maternal and infant characteristics are described. Short-term outcomes were evaluated including medical comorbidities, mortality and status of survivors at discharge. High relative frequencies of maternal predisposing conditions, cesarean and operative vaginal deliveries were observed. Low Apgar scores, profound metabolic acidosis, extensive resuscitation in the delivery room, clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) seizures, abnormal EEG background and brain imaging directly correlated with the severity of HIE. Therapeutic hypothermia was provided to 85% of infants, 15% of whom were classified as having mild HIE. Electrographic seizures were observed in 26% of the infants. Rates of complications and morbidities were similar to those reported in prior clinical trials and overall mortality was 15%. Within this large contemporary cohort of newborns with perinatal HIE, the application of therapeutic hypothermia and associated neurodiagnostic studies appear to have expanded relative to reported clinical trials. Although seizure incidence and mortality were lower compared with those reported in the trials, it is unclear whether this represented improved outcomes or therapeutic drift with the treatment of milder disease.

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