
Electricity use and its access are correlated in the economic development of any country. Economically, electricity cannot be stored, and for stability of an electrical network a balance between generation and consumption is necessary. Electricity demand depends on various factors like temperature, everyday activities, time of day, days of the week days/Holidays. These parameters have led to price volatility and huge spikes in electricity prices. The research work proposes a short term Load prediction Model for LT2 (residential consumers), LT3 (Commercial Consumers) of Karnataka State Electricity Board using Cascaded Feed Forward Neural Network (CFNN). MATLAB software is utilized to design and test the forecasting model for predicting the power consumption. Furthermore, a shallow feed forward neural network-based prediction model is constructed and evaluated for performance comparison. The Performance metrics include Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Mean Squared Error (MSE). The suggested STLF CFNN prediction model outperformed shallow feed forward networks on both performance metrics with prediction errors of less than 1%.

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