
Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. is. a rapidly growing, annual, coastal halophyte. Because of its small size, it is suitable for isotope studies of ion transport well beyond the seedling stage. The purpose of this report is to establish the similarities and differences between 22Na+ and 42K+ uptake in S. marina and in more commonly used mesophytic crop species. Vegetative plants were used 18 days after transfer to solution culture. Plants were grown either on Na+‐free medium or on 0.2 × sea water. 22Na+ uptake was linear with time for several hours. The rate was relatively insensitive to external concentration between 1 and 180 mol Na+ m−3, particularly in Na+‐free plants. Transport to the shoot accounted for 40 to 70% of the total uptake, dependent on salinity but largely independent of time. 42K+ uptake decreased with increasing salinity in Na+‐free plants and increased in 0.2 × sea water plants. Both uptake and transport to the shoot were non‐linear with time, upward concavity suggesting recovery from a manipulative and/or osmotic injury. Steady state root contents were compared with predicted contents based on cortical cell electrical potentials using the Nernst equation. Reasonable agreement was found in all cases except Na+ content of 0.2 × sea water plants, in which active efflux was indicated. Uptake studies conducted in the presence of chemical modifiers (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, dinitrophenol and fusicoccin) showed responses of 42K+ uptake as expected from studies on agronomic species, and implied the presence of a similar active uptake here despite the appearance of equilibrium. Active Na+ uptake was suggested at low Na+ levels. We conclude that S. marina is a promising experimental system combining the rapid nutrient acquisition strategy of agionomically important annuals with a high degree of salt tolerance.

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