
Mid-2013 the world of education in Indonesia was preoccupied with curriculum changes. Curriculum 2013 replaced the previous, namely Curriculum 2006 or KTSP (school-based curriculum). In line with the changes, there is also a change in the Indonesian language learning, namely a text-based learning. To enhance the mindset of teachers and students in learning Indonesian, the author tries to outline the project-based learning model with short stories in class VII of Junior High School (SMP). Project-based learning is a learning model that uses project / activity as a learning process to achieve competency of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The emphasis of the learning lays on learners activity to produce output by applying the skills of researching, analyzing, creating, up to presenting their products based on real-life experience. Meanwhile, the short story is a work of literary prose that tells story. It is categorized as prose because it is not bound by a particular form (free). Judging from the contents which tells story, short story is classyfield into epic category (storytelling). The term of short stories emerges from the point of view of a storybeing told conciseness. This paper aims to provide rocommendation advice to the world of education in Indonesia, especially on Indonesian language and literature learning of class VII.

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