
A Scandinavian research consortium collaborated to develop a wireless clinical monitoring platform. A collection of experimental wireless sensor prototypes were implemented in complex, process-control software modified for the project. The objective was to facilitate real-time and historical point-of-care sensor data for clinical decision support in critical care. The short-range wireless radio frequency platform used in the project was the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless personal area network standard. Invasive sensors included an arterial blood pressure sensor, an epicardial three-axis accelerometer and a digital pulmonary air leakage system. Non-invasive sensor signals came from an electrocardiogram sensor, a pulse oximeter, a medical radar prototype and a temperature sensor. Radio frequency signals from sensors to base stations and onwards in the wireless sensor network architecture were scrutinised during experimental surgery. Qualitative assessment of the sensor data presentation was made. Shadowing effects influencing the radio frequency channel performance was quantified. The shadowing effects were caused by the dynamic work pattern of the clinical team in combination with stationary equipment in the operating room during surgery. Shadowing effects did not compromise the quality of wireless sensor data severely. An evaluation of the communication links between individual sensors and two separate base stations are provided in this paper.

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