
The results are stated of estimation of short-range forecasting of heavy precipitation (P ≥ 10 mm/12 hours) and strong wind at the height of 10 m (V ≥ 10 m/s) using three nonhydrostatic models from the WRF family: ARW, ARW Glob, and NMM. The forecasts on the basis of all three models were carried out using two grids. The horizontal resolution of external grids varied from 9 to 16.5 km and that of the nested grids, from 3 to 5.5 km. For the ARW and NMM models, the values at side boundaries of external nested grids were taken from the forecasts on the basis of the global GFS NCEP model and for the ARW Glob model, from the global forecasts based on this model. The convection parameterization was turned off at nested grids for all models. The forecasts of heavy precipitation and strong wind at nested grids over the European territory of Russia were estimated from the radar and station measurements in summer 2008. It is obtained that all three models reproduce well enough the mesoscale convective systems and associated areas of heavy precipitation and strong wind but they have common shortcomings: they overestimate the amount and area of heavy precipitation and underestimate the strong wind speed. To a lesser degree, these shortcomings are typical of the ARW model. The possible reasons for systematic errors in the forecasts are discussed.

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