
We have studied the 59Co and 119Sn hyperfine fields in amorphous CoSn alloys obtained by coevaporation onto cryogenic substrates. 59Co spin-echo spectra were measured at 1.4 K in zero-applied field on ferromagnetic Cox Sn1−x (0.65≤x≤0.80) alloys. NMR spectra display peaks. These peaks have a relative intensity which varies with composition, but their average location in frequency is concentration independent. From a comparison with 59Co NMR spectra in crystalline Co with dilute Sn impurities, it is inferred that the structures observed in NMR spectra for amorphous CoSn alloys are related to the number of Sn first neighbors of the Co resonant nuclei. Thus, short-range effects are thought to be predominant in determining the Co on-site moments in these alloys, as well as in amorphous Co alloys with other s-p elements. 119Sn Mössbauer spectra were measured at room temperature on paramagnetic Cox Sn1−x (0.40≤x≤0.55) alloys. Comparison is made with the stoichiometric CoSn crystalline compound, where quadrupolar interactions give rise to an admixture of two doublets corresponding to the two inequivalent Sn sites. Mössbauer spectra for the amorphous CoSn alloys display a single doublet identified as arising from Sn atoms in trigonal prisms arrangements. These results are discussed within the frame of current models for the structure of metallic glasses.

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