
In the present study, thermal images of the short milking tube of the milking machine representing four udder quarters independently attached to a milking animal, along with pre-milking and post-milking udder and teat thermograms, were taken using a hand-held digital infrared thermal camera (DarviDTL007) during morning milking of lactating Murrah buffaloes (n = 132) to assess the mastitis status. California mastitis test (CMT) and somatic cell count (SCC) of milk samples were carried out to screen the udder quarters as healthy, subclinical (SCM), and clinical mastitis (CM). The thermograms revealed an increase (p < 0.05) of 2.19 and 3.72ºC in the mean values of short milking tube (SMT) surface temperature among SCM and CM quarters compared to healthy quarters, respectively. The mean values of udder skin surface temperature (USST) for pre-milking, milking, and post-milking of SCM and CM compared to healthy quarters showed an increase (p < 0.05) of 2.17, 1.96, and 1.61ºC and 3.11, 2.88, and 2.73ºC, respectively. Similarly, compared to healthy quarters, the mean values of teat skin surface temperature (TSST) for pre-milking and post-milking of SCM and CM showed an increase (p < 0.05) of 2.12 and 1.66ºC and 3.07 and 2.45ºC, respectively. Also, CMT and SCC results showed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.68-0.91, p < 0.01) with all the thermographic parameters. Thus, thermograms of SMT alone can be used as an efficient detection tool in assessing SCM among Murrah buffaloes.

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