
Short-lag spatial coherence (SLSC) imaging has demonstrated improved performance over conventional B-Mode ultrasound imaging. Previous work has evaluated the performance of SLSC using 2-D matrix arrays in simulation and in vivo studies across various levels of subaperture beamforming, demonstrating improved contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and speckle signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over 1-D arrays. This work explores the application of SLSC imaging in 1.5-D and 1.75-D arrays to quantify the impacts of elevation element count, mirroring, and Fresnel element spacing on SLSC image quality. Through simulation and in vivo studies, increased elevation element count was shown to improve CNR and speckle SNR relative to 1-D SLSC and B-Mode images. Elevation mirroring (1.5-D) was shown to force the inclusion of long lags into the SLSC calculation, introducing additional decorrelation and reducing image quality relative to 1.75-D arrays with individually-connected elements. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of SLSC imaging in 1.5-D and 1.75-D arrays.

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