
Estrus is an important behavior that can potentially be subjected to genomic selection. Circulating estradiol concentrations at estrus may be a useful phenotype if the absolute concentrations of estradiol are associated with overt phenotypes for estrus (activity, rump touches, or both; e.g., mounts, chinrests) that can be easily observed. The objective was to measure plasma estradiol concentrations at estrus and associate these measurements with the increase in activity (steps per hour) and rump touches received at estrus. We also tested the effect of lactation on the estrus traits that we measured. Cows (n = 11 lactating and n = 9 nonlactating) were treated with PGF2α to synchronize estrus. A jugular vein was cannulated to collect blood every 2 h for plasma estradiol measurement. Plasma LH was measured during the periestrual period to determine the time of the LH surge. Cows were fitted with an accelerometer to measure activity (steps per hour) and a capacitive touch sensing device to measure the number of rump touches and total touch time. Plasma estradiol concentrations were poorly correlated with overt signs of estrus during the period leading up to maximum estrus activity. After peak estrus activity (when cows were going out of estrus and plasma estradiol concentrations were decreasing), a stronger correlation was detected between overt signs of estrus and plasma estradiol concentrations. Effective selection for improved estrus expression based on plasma estradiol concentrations will depend on whether the cow is coming into or going out of estrus at the time of blood sampling. An association existed between lactation and fewer number of hours in estrus when estrus was defined by an increase in activity (steps per hour). Lactating cows had a shorter interval from the onset of estrus to the LH surge, and the shorter interval to the LH surge may have reduced the period of elevated estradiol during estrus in the lactating cows. Understanding mechanisms that control the sensitivity of the cow to estradiol and making appropriate selection decisions based on these mechanisms will likely increase overt signs of estrus in dairy cows.

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