
We used on-farm records from dairy infrastructure to examine the consistency of the milking order over 150 d in 5 Australian dairy herds that were milking more than 500 cows as a single group. Within a single day the difference in milking order rank position was less than 20 percentage points for 72% of cows. The correlation coefficient comparing milking rank position in the morning and afternoon was 0.72, with the position of cows at the beginning and end of the milking order being more consistent than cows toward the middle of the milking order. Over a period of 150 d, cows with a mean position in the first and last 20% of the milking order maintained their position more consistently than cows in the middle of the milking order. Milking position of cows between one month and the next was highly correlated (r = 0.88). In large herds, subpopulations of cows are regularly milked toward the beginning and the end of the milking order. It is common for cows to be collected from the paddock as a group, to wait as a group in the dairy yard to be milked, and to return individually to the paddock or feed pad immediately after they have been milked. Thus, cows milked later in the milking order are likely to be away from the paddock for several hours longer than cows milked earlier in the milking order. This may affect their welfare though differences in time available for lying down, equality of pasture eaten, and time spent standing in the dairy yard.

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