
Montanholi, Y. R., Lam, S., Peripolli, V., Vander Voort, G. and Miller, S. P. 2013. Short Communication: Associations between chemical composition and physical properties of milk and colostrum with feed efficiency in beef cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 487–492. Lactogenesis is an energetically demanding process influencing efficiency of feed utilization. Individual energetic expenditure variation may exist in this process and could be accessed through the properties of milk and colostrum in beef cows. Properties of both secretions were analyzed for fat, protein, and lactose contents. Freezing point and somatic cell count were determined in milk and specific gravity and total solids in colostrum. Associations between feed efficiency and milk freezing point, milk lactose content, and colostrum specific gravity were noticed. This link between milk and colostrum properties with feed efficiency could be considered for the improvement of feed efficiency.

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