
Acousto-optic deflectors (AODs) are used in many applications requiring optical scanning devices with various specifications regarding access time, resolution and wavelength. High time-bandwidth products can be achieved with AODs made in a tellurium dioxide (TeO2) crystal. As paratellurite crystals are available with relatively large dimensions, the time-bandwidth product can be increased by enlarging the optical aperture. However, the access time is increased which is not suitable for random access scanning mode. A new laser scanning system is then presented based on two wide-band paratellurite acousto-optic deflectors. Anisotropic interactions take place under two different tangential phase matching (TPM) configurations in such a way that the acousto-optic bandwidths add up. The optical arrangement of the two cascaded AODs is detailed. The feasibility of such a cascade deflection system has been demonstrated for the green wavelength λ= 514 nm of an argon laser. The total frequency bandwidth is Δft = 100 MHz, equally distributed between the two acousto-optic deflectors. The total angular scan at the output is Δθt = 4.5 ° leading to more than 120 resolvable spots for a 1 mm truncated Gaussian beam and a short access time (as low as 1.5 μs).

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