
Barren Island is the only active volcano in the Indian sub-continent. This study was conducted to understand the changes in the shoreline, which were extracted using the historic after map of [1] and from the time series Landsat images of 1976, 2003 and 2018. End Point Rate (EPR) and Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) were computed using the Digital Shoreline Analysis Software (DSAS) and the ArcMap 10.3 software. The results of mean EPR (9.95m/year) and mean NSM (149.27m) were maximum during volcanic eruption (2003-2018). During dormancy (1885-1976), the mean EPR and NSM values were calculated to be 0.97m/year and 87.89m, respectively. Tropical monsoonal rains, waves and tidal action played a vital role in shaping the shoreline of the island during quiescence apart from volcanic, seismic, and tectonic activity. The estimated values of the extended area of this Island were 827.35 ha and 860.67 ha, respectively, for the years 1885 and 2018. The accretion of lava as a delta in the coastal frontier had dramatically changed the shoreline of the island.

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