
Micropropagation of Vitis bourquiniana Lenoir `Black Spanish', V. champini Planchon `Dog Ridge', Vitis hybrids (`Blanc du Bois', `Himrod', and `Niagara Seedless'), V. rotundifolia Michx. (`Carlos' and `Dixie'), and V. vinifera L. (`Autumn Seedless', `Cabernet Sauvignon', `Carignane', `French Colombard', `Ruby Cabernet', and `Tokay') was accomplished. Shoot tips taken from micropropagated plants in long-term culture were inoculated onto solidified C2D medium containing 5 μM benzyladenine. Culture times consisting of either one or two 4-week cycles were compared for effect on shoot number. A range of response among cultivars tested was noted. The best-responding variety was V. champini `Dog Ridge', with 5.8 shoots per apex. All other varieties were less prolific. When shoot micropropagation from nodal explants and apices was compared, so significant difference was noted. In vitro micropropagation offers rapid clonal production of grape and is a source of sterile leaf explant material for embryogenic cultures, which, in turn, are useful target for genetic transformation.

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