
The shoot development ofAucuba japonica was studied morphologically. The shoot shows dichasial branching in connection with the formation of a terminal inflorescence and shows a decussate phyllotaxis even in the reproductive phase. The sequence of initiation of successive foliar appendages is very precise, hence the foliage leaf, scale leaf and bract can be compared with each other even at their stages of initiation. In the stage of proximal foliage leaf formation the shoot apex is flat, while in the stage of formation of distal foliage leaves, bud scales and proximal bracts, it becomes concave. In the stage of formation of distal bracts the apex becomes domed. Plastochron durations are relatively long in the vegetative phase in comparison with other plants, and the duration from initiation of the first pair of appendages to that of the second is about one and a half months. Both male and female inflorescences exhibit basically a thyrsoid type of monotelic synflorescence.

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