
The Space Shuttle orbiter's thermal protection system (TPS) is composed of reusable tiles separated by narrow gaps that accommodate the contraction and expansion of the aluminum structure that the tiles protect. When local pressure gradients exist, air flows through the tile gaps and releases heat energy by convection. The gaps represent a heat short to the structure, strain isolator pad (SIP), and filler bar. A typical problem is the pressure gradient created during entry by body flap deflection. After a brief description of how this problem affects the Space Shuttle orbiter, a theoretical and experimental review of the major parameters involved in gap heating are analyzed. Then, a review of well-known classical methods to resolve the gap aeroheating problem in the presence of a pressure gradient is presented, and a few solutions are illustrated to assess the sensitivity of each one. The following section starts with a basic relationship (called “eyeball” because of its simplicity) and follows the results up through the most modern engineering approach available in the literature. It shows that in all cases calculated significant areas of overtemperature were predicted. However, none of these methods could be correlated by experimental data. Lastly, the paper presents the solution obtained by using the most sophisticated method, based upon the Navier-Stokes equations. This approach shows excellent correlation with wind tunnel data. The application to four trajectory time points shows less severe results than the other methods. This can be explained by the introduction of a certain amount of conservatism to account for uncertainties inherent in the previous analyses. No correlation of this “exact solution” with the simple preestablished relationships has been found, indicating that more parameters than expected could be involved. However, an after-the-fact, semi-empirical engineering solution that fits the Navier-Stokes solution with good agreement was established.

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