
While factors affecting shoal mate choice have been examined extensively in adult guppies (Poecilia reticulata), few studies have focused on the shoaling behavior of juveniles. In this study, juvenile guppies were tested for their ability to shoal as well as their response to shoal mates of different body size and to shoals with different numbers of individuals. In dichotomous choice tests, 10-day-old guppies (mean body length=8.83 mm), 30-day-old guppies (13.17 mm) and 50-day-old guppies (18.6mm) were given the opportunity to swim near shoals of five fish or an empty chamber. In most cases, the juvenile fish demonstrated shoaling behavior, swimming near a group of fish rather than an empty chamber, regardless of the age of the stimulus shoal. When presented with two shoals, one of similar age and body size and one of dissimilar age and body size, only the 50-day-old guppies showed a significant preference for the age-matched shoal. Similarly, when choosing between a large shoal and a small shoal, only the 50-day-old guppies spent significantly more time near the larger shoal. Thus, while juveniles at each age shoaled, only 50-day-old fish demonstrated the shoal mate discrimination seen in adult fish.

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