
ABSTRACTOne of the most serious problems encountered in Naval steam plants following World War II was the unreliable performance of boiler and main feedpump pneumatic control systems. In addition to control component and system design deficiencies, these control systems suffered from inadequate methods to measure and adjust system alignment. This paper describes the development of a set of procedures for on‐line alignment verification (OLV) of pneumatic main boiler and feedpump control systems. The procedures are designed for use by Navy control system technicians and, in addition to on‐line alignment verification, provide guidance for troubleshooting and for performing system alignment. Procedure static checks measure steady state steaming performance and OLV procedure dynamic checks measure the ability of the boiler and control systems to respond to load changes. The paper describes typical control system characteristics that influence OLV procedure content and the supporting analysis that was used to establish alignment criteria ranges that satisfy both steady state and transient performance requirements. Also described is the alignment criteria tolerance analysis along with the steps involved in a typical OLV check procedure development. Descriptions of the various OLV checks, troubleshooting procedures and alignment procedures are provided. Typical shipboard implementation requirements are described and experience to date with the procedures is provided along with a status report on OLV procedure implementations.

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