
Ship Shoal Block 113 Field and South Pelto Block 20 Field are located {+-} 100 miles SW of New Orleans, Louisiana in 30--50 ft of water. To date, over 274 wells have yielded 144 MMBO and 446 BCFG from Lower Pleistocene through Upper Miocene Sands (2,000--15,000 ft). Production is primarily from complexity faulted structural traps (domal and interdomal) associated with episodic salt movement throughout the Upper Miocene to Pleistocene time. Detection of these fields was based on gravity data. Development of the fields evolved to include the integration of all well information into fair-good quality 2-D seismic data and ultimately into a state-of-the-art 3-D seismic survey which was acquired April 1988 (Ship Shoal) and January 1991 (South Pelto). Through December 1991, 26 wells have been drilled in Ship Shoal 113/South Pelto 20 Fields based on 3-D interpretation, with a 92% success rate. All wells were amplitude supported and were primarily structurally controlled traps. In November 1991, the Ship Shoal Block 113 ``N-2`` well was successfully drilled and completed in a subtle salt overhang play with no amplitude support. The well encountered 85` net oil in two Upper Pliocene sands prior to penetrating salt. Subsequently, five salt flank locations were drilledmore » in these fields (four successfully). Additional ``domal`` tests will be drilled in the forthcoming year.« less

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