
SUMMARYNone of 111 Shigella strains, including all Sh. flexneri types, 2 Sh. boydii types and Sh. sonnei II strains, multiplied in Rappaport's enrichment medium even after a quite heavy inoculation. Moreover the medium proved to be inadequate for the survival of these germs. Of 2 Salm. choleraesuis and 3 Salm. choleraesuis var. kunzendorf strains suspended in saline and inoculated in Rappaport's medium, only 2 of the var. kunzendorf strains multiplied after 48 h. When these strains were suspended in a faecal‐saline dilution the 3 Salm. choleraesuis var. kunzendorf strains grew vigorously in 24 h and 1 Salm. choleraesuis strain grew after 48 h. Only 3 Arizona strains of the 11 tried multiplied vigorously in Rappaport's medium.

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