
Populations of the endangered eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) are declining throughout their range. Although Nyungwe National Park (NNP) harbors the largest remaining eastern chimpanzee population in Rwanda, we know little about their space use and dietary patterns. We studied home range, movement, and diet of two communities of chimpanzees in NNP using daily tracking data (6:00 am to 6:00 pm) collected from 2000 to 2015. One community, Mayebe, resided in the forest center, and the other community, Cyamudongo, inhabited a forest fragment located about 10 km from the main forest. Home range estimated with the 95% kernel density estimation (KDE) method was 21 km2 for the Mayebe community and 4 km2 for the Cyamudongo community. Chimpanzee home range sizes were smaller during the dry versus wet season and varied monthly throughout the year. The Mayebe community had an average hourly step length of 75 ± SE 5 m with a daily movement range of 987 ± SE 71 m, while the Cyamudongo community had a shorter hourly step length of 52 ± SE 3 m with a daily movement range of 651 ± SE 71 m. Both chimpanzee communities fed primarily on Ficus spp. Other important dietary items included fruits of Symphonia globulifera, Syzygium guineense, and Chrysophyllum gorungosanum for the Mayebe community and Trilepisium madagascariense for the Cyamudongo community. Food choice varied monthly and seasonally for each chimpanzee community. Our study provides the first estimates of home range size and movement parameters for chimpanzees in Rwanda and documents their food habits and seasonal variations therein. We also identified the 50% core home range for each chimpanzee community and suggest this area as the focus of management actions. These results could help park management reduce threats to chimpanzees and other sympatric species by improving the efficiency of ranger patrols.

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