
► A simplified VHTR loaded with a mixture of depleted uranium and transuranics fuel was analyzed. ► Neutronic parameters were analyzed changing the TRISO packing fraction. ► Five cases were simulated and evaluated during 900 days with a burnup of 92,700.0 MWD/THM without reloads. A simplified VHTR (very high temperature reactor) loaded with a mixture of depleted uranium and transuranics (TRUs) fuel was analyzed changing the TRISO packing fraction (pf), i.e., the TRISO kernel radius. Five cases were simulated and evaluated during 900 days with a burnup of 92,700.0 MWD/THM without reloads. The effective multiplication factor ( k eff ) and the fast/thermal flux ratio at zero and full power, fuel temperature coefficient ( α TF ), moderator temperature coefficient ( α TM ), and fuel composition at BOL (begin of life) and EOL (end of life) were analyzed. Overall, the results show that transuranics elements from reprocessed fuel of PWRs spiked with depleted uranium (0.2% 235 U) to obtain 15% LEU-fuel ( 235 U, 239 Pu and 241 Pu) can be used as fuel in VHTR. The calculations were carried out with the Winfrith Improved Multi-Group Scheme (WIMSD5) code and the ENDFB65 cross-section data ( Askew et al., 1966 , Leszczynski, 1990 ).

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