
Within the Pakistani family structure, decision-making authority pertaining to domestic and financial affairs is vested in the patriarch. Nevertheless, as time passes, a substantial change in the interplay of forces has been noted, in which adults, in addition to their parents, exert considerable influence in the decision-making process. Furthermore, the marketer recognized this delegation of decision-making power. The initiated investigation of this phenomenon was motivated by research findings that corroborate its existence. The study's objective is to investigate the emergence of adolescent influence in Pakistani decision-making processes. By utilizing a quantitative methodology, this study investigates the increasing influence of adolescents throughout different phases of decision-making and focuses on particular aspects pertaining to product selections within the family environment. The study posits that adolescents do, in fact, exert influence over the intricate web of family decision-making, which is consistent with previous research patterns. Nonetheless, a salient observation arises: parents maintain their authority in directing comprehensive family decisions. Given the absence of previous investigations in this particular domain, this study represents an innovative endeavor that sheds light on various facets of consumer behavior within the Pakistani context.

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