
Schizophrenia is characterized by marked deficits in executive and psychomotor functions, as demonstrated for goal-directed actions in the antisaccade task. Recent studies, however, suggest that this deficit represents only one manifestation of a general deficit in stimulus-response integration and volitional initiation of motor responses. We here used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate brain activation patterns during a manual stimulus-response compatibility task in 18 schizophrenic patients and 18 controls. We found that across groups incongruent vs. congruent responses recruited a bilateral network consisting of dorsal fronto-parietal circuits as well as bilateral anterior insula, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the presupplementary motor area (preSMA). When testing for the main-effect across all conditions, patients showed significantly lower activation of the right DLPFC and, in turn, increased activation in a left hemispheric network including parietal and premotor areas as well as the preSMA. For incongruent responses patients showed significantly increased activation in a similar left hemispheric network, as well as additional activation in parietal and premotor regions in the right hemisphere. The present study reveals that hypoactivity in the right DLPFC in schizophrenic patients is accompanied by hyperactivity in several fronto-parietal regions associated with task execution. Impaired top-down control due to a dysfunctional DLPFC might thus be partly compensated by an up-regulation of task-relevant regions in schizophrenic patients.

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