
In [2], it was conjectured that a particular shifted sum of even divisor sums vanishes, and in [11], a formal argument was given for this vanishing. Shifted convolution sums of this form appear when computing the Fourier expansion of coefficients for the low energy scattering amplitudes in type IIB string theory [7] and have applications to subconvexity bounds of L-functions. In this article, we generalize the argument from [11] and rigorously evaluate shifted convolution of the divisor functions of the form ∑n1,n2∈Z∖{0}n1+n2=nσr1(n1)σr2(n2)|n1|P and ∑n1,n2∈Z∖{0}n1+n2=nσr1(n1)σr2(n2)|n1|Qlog⁡|n1| where σν(n)=∑d|ndν. In doing so, we derive exact identities for these sums and conjecture that particular sums similar to but different from the one found in [2] will also vanish.

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