
Most existing full-reference (FR) Image quality assessment (IQA) models work in the premise of that the two images should be well registered. Shifting an image would lead to an inaccurate evaluation of image quality, because small spatial shifts are far less noticeable than structural distortion for human observers. To this regard, we propose to study an IQA feature that is shift-insensitive to the basic primitive structure of images, i.e., image edge. According to previous studies, the image gradient magnitude (GM) and the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) operator that depict the edge profiles of natural images are highly efficient structural features in IQA tasks. In this paper, we find that the Quadratic sum of the normalized GM and the LoG signals (QGL) has excellent shift-insensitive property in representing image edges after theoretically solving the selection problem of a ratio parameter to balance the GM and LoG signals. Based on the proposed QGL feature, two FR-IQA models can be built directly by measuring the similarity map with mean and standard deviation pooling strategies, named mQGL and sQGL, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed sQGL and mQGL work robustly on four benchmark IQA databases, and QGL-based models show great shift-insensitive property to spatial translation and image rotation while judging the image quality. In addition, we explore the feasibility of combining QGL feature with deep neural networks, and verify that it can help to promote image pattern recognition in texture classification tasks.

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