
JASMIN - Japanese and American Study of Muon Interaction and Neutron detection - a program for studies of shielding and irradiation effect around high energy accelerators has been started since 2007 using high energy proton accelerators located in Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) as a collaboration of JAPAN and FNAL. The series of the presentations entitled Shielding experiments at high energy accelerators of Fermilab describes the part of the results of this collaboration regarding transport of secondary particles, neutron and muon, from 120 GeV proton induced reactions through experimental data and simulation. In this paper, behavior and associated radiation dose of high energy muons in tens of meter thick rock are measured using OSLs, CR39s, TLDs and an ionization chamber. The doses for the same geometrical condition of the experiment are calculated using multi-particle Monte Carlo simulation code, MARS, to check its predictive power for muon transport and the dose. From this comparison, consistency between the experiment and calculation is confirmed in 60 m thick rock. The calculation enables to separate contributions of each particle to the dose. The result shows considerable amount of the contribution to the dose from electrons, photons and neutrons from electro-magnetic cascade due to interaction of high energy muon.

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