
Al-26 (dpm/kg) and/or He, Ne, and Ar have been measured in samples of the Norton County meteorite from three different depths. The gas contents yield a shielding-corrected age of 75.8 + or - 5.7 million years. The ratio of atomic production rates P(Al-26)/P(Ne-21) is 0.22 + or - 0.02. He-3, Ne-21, and Al-26 increase with decreasing Ne-22/Ne-21 at nearly the same rates as they do in the smaller Keyes chondrite. Al-26 contents were measured in Bustee, Khor Temiki, Pesyanoe, and Shallowater meteorites. The ratio of observed to predicted Al-26 content correlates with Ne-22/Ne-21, and comparison with the corresponding chondrite correlation indicates that such aubrites as Malakal may have experienced an unusually high flux of cosmic rays.

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