
In rodents, a circumvallate papilla (CVP) develops with dynamic changes in epithelial morphogenesis during early tongue development. Molecular and cellular studies of CVP development revealed that there would be two different mechanisms in the apex and the trench wall forming regions with specific expression patterns of Wnt11 and Shh. Molecular interactions were examined using in vitro organ culture with over-expression of Shh, important signalling molecules and various inhibitors revealed that there are two significant different mechanisms in CVP formation by Wnt11 and Shh expressions. Wnt, a well known key molecule to initiate taste papillae, would govern Rho activation and cytoskeleton formation in the apex epithelium of CVP. In contrast, Shh regulates the cell proliferation to differentiate taste buds and to invaginate the epithelium for development of von Ebner's gland (VEG). Based on these results, we suggest that these different molecular signalling cascades of Wnt11 and Shh would play crucial roles in specific morphogenesis and pattern formation of CVP during early mouse embryo development.

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