
This study provided new data on shell mineralogy in 23 Arctic bivalve species. The majority of examined species had purely aragonitic shells. Furthermore, we measured concentrations of Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Sr and Zn in 542 shells representing 25 Arctic bivalve species. Species-related differences in concentrations of specific elements were significant and occurred regardless of locations and water depths. This observation implies the dominance of biological processes regulating elemental uptake into the skeleton over factors related to the variability of abiotic environmental conditions. Analysis of the present study and literature data revealed that the highest concentrations of metals were observed in bivalves collected in the temperate zone, with intermediate levels in the tropics and the lowest levels in polar regions. This trend was ascribed mainly to the presence of higher anthropogenic pressure at temperate latitudes being a potential source of human-mediated metal pollution.

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