
The results of studies on the effect of corn silage conditions and degree of grinding on its quality, eatability and digestion in the body of sheep are presented in the article. 
 Studies show that the rates of scar fermentation of sheep depend on the level of grinding corn on silage fed to the animals. The proteolytic activity of sheep microorganisms in both balance experiments was at the level of 2.28 ± 0.32 to 2.34 ± 0.18 units.
 The cellulosolytic activity of the microorganisms of the contained rumen in sheep during the first balance experiment was found to be significant - 11.98 ± 0.42 - 12.12 ± 0.38% and did not differ from that activity in sheep during the second balance experiment - 12.02 ± 0 , 66 - 12.56 ± 0.44%.
 Feeding the silage from corn in the stage of milky-waxy ripeness of the sheep in the experimental period had a positive effect on the activity of the microorganisms of the rumen.
 The amylolytic activity of rumen microorganisms in the animals of the first group (silo with a grinding value of 0.4 - 1.0 cm) was 0.92 ± 0.06 conventional amylolytic units. In sheep of the second group (silo with a value of grinding 1,0 - 2,0 cm) this indicator was 1,26 times (p <0,01), and of the third group (silo with a value of grinding 2,0 - 3,0 cm) in 1.07 times higher than in animals of the first group. Feeding experimental animals silage from corn waxy ripeness of the grain also contributed to the increased activity of the microorganisms of the rumen.
 Amylolytic activity in sheep of the second experimental group was 0.90 ± 0.08 conventional am. units, which is 1.17 times less than this indicator of the animals of the second group and was 4.65% more than in the animals of the third group. At the same time, the proteolytic activity of the rumen microorganisms in the animals of the second group was 1.09 times less than in the animals of the second group during the first balance experiment, which indicates the physiology of the silage obtained from corn milky-waxy ripeness of the grain. So, the amylolytic activity of sheep microorganisms at the end of the equilibrium period of the first balance experiment ranged from 0.82 ± 0.04 to 0.85 ± 0.06 conventional am. units, and during the second balance experiment from 0.80 ± 0.06 to 0.84 ± 0.04 conditional am. units
 The level of total nitrogen in the contained scar of animals during the first balance experiment was 1.08, 1.18, 1.11 times higher (p <0.05) than in animals fed a silage of corn in the waxy stage grain.
 Indicators of carbohydrate-lipid metabolism in the body of sheep during the first balance experiment indicate the efficiency of feeding silage from maize to animals in the stage of milky-waxy ripeness of grain, which is accompanied by activation of synthesis of volatile fatty acids in the rumen by 1.38 times (p <0.01) that was 1.12 times (p <0.05).


  • В той же час, протеолітична активність мікроорганізмів рубця у тварин другої групи була в 1,09 раза менше, ніж у тварин другої групи під час першого балансового досліду, що свідчить про фізіологічність силосу отриманого з кукурудзи молочно-воскової стиглості зерна.

  • Рівень загального азоту у вмістимому рубця тварин під час першого балансового досліду виявся в 1,08, в 1,18, в 1,11 раза більше (р

  • Практично на цьому рівні була активність даної групи мікроорганізмів у вмістимому рубця овець під час другого балансового досліду (силос з кукурудзи воскової стиглості зерна): від 0,80±0,06 до 0,84±0,04 ум.

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В той же час, протеолітична активність мікроорганізмів рубця у тварин другої групи була в 1,09 раза менше, ніж у тварин другої групи під час першого балансового досліду, що свідчить про фізіологічність силосу отриманого з кукурудзи молочно-воскової стиглості зерна. Рівень загального азоту у вмістимому рубця тварин під час першого балансового досліду виявся в 1,08, в 1,18, в 1,11 раза більше (р

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