
This paper reviews the shear rheology of suspensions of microscopic particles. The nature of interparticle forces determines the microstructure, and hence the deformation and flow behavior of suspensions. Consequently, suspensions were classified according to the resulting microstructure: hard-spheres, stabilized, or aggregated particles. This study begins with the most simple case: flowing suspensions of inert, rigid, monomodal spherical particles (called hard-spheres), at low shear rates. Even for inert particles, we reviewed the effect of several factors that produce deviations from this ideal case, namely: shear rate, particle shape, particle size distribution, and particle deformability. Then we moved to suspensions of colloidal particles, where interparticle forces play a significant role. First we studied the case of dispersed or stabilized suspensions (colloidal dispersions), where long range repulsive forces keep particles separated, leading to a crystalline order. Second we studied the more common case of aggregated or flocculated suspensions, where net attractive forces lead to the formation of fractal clusters. Above the gelation concentration (which depends on the magnitude of the attractive forces), clusters are interconnected into a network, forming a gel. We differentiate between weak and strong aggregation, which may lead to weak or strong gels, respectively. Finally, we reviewed the case of filler/matrix composite suspensions or gels, where rigid or viscoelastic particles (fillers) are dispersed in a continuous viscoelastic material (matrix), usually a gel. For each type of suspension, predictive curves of fundamental rheological properties (viscosity, yield stress, elastic and complex moduli) vs. particle volume fraction and shear rate were obtained from theoretical or empirical models and sound experimental data, covering ranges of practical interest.

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