
It is well known that the shear modulus (G) and the yield stress (Y) of metals increase with pressure (P) and decrease with temperature (T). Steinberg [1], in his popular compendium of dynamic material properties, assumes for Y/Y0(P,T)=G/G0(P,T) linear relations based on tests at ambient conditions. But recent tests of high-pressure dynamic loading of certain metals yielded results that generally deviate from Steinberg’s equations. Here we use a different approach to estimate G/G0(P,T). As a first approximation we let G/G0 follow from the assumption of constant Poisson ratio (n). This leads to G/G0=K/K0, where K is the isentropic bulk modulus. With this assumption we compute the longitudinal sound speed of tantalum along its principal Hugoniot curve, and compare the result to recent measurements. There is a slight disagreement which we correct by assuming (second approximation) that Poisson’s ratio decreases slightly with pressure, and increases slightly with temperature. As K is always available in a hydrocode run from the equation of state, so are therefore also G/G0 and Y/Y0.

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