
Abstract Local shear and convective instabilities of internal inertia-gravity waves (IGW) are examined assuming a steady, plane-parallel flow with vertical profiles of horizontal velocity and static stability resembling an IGW packet in a basic state at rest, without mean vertical shear. The eigenproblem can be described in terms of a nondimensional rotation rate R = f/ω0 < 1, where f is the Coriolis parameter, ω0 is IGW intrinsic frequency, and IGW amplitude is a, such that a = 1 for convectively neutral waves. In the nonrotating case, shear instability is possible only for convectively supercritical waves, with horizontal wavevector aligned parallel or nearly parallel to the plane of IGW propagation. Transverse convection, with wavevector aligned perpendicular to the plane of IGW propagation, displays faster growth than parallel shear or convective instability at any horizontal wavenumber. For intermediate R, eigenmodes in supercritical IGW are characterized at small horizontal wavenumber k by a trans...

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