
Previous studies have shown that methacrylated beta-cyclodextrins (MCDs) can be used as comonomers in resin-based dental composites. These MCDs by virtue of having several polymerizable methacrylate groups and hydrophilic hydroxyl groups, may also promote bonding of dental composites to dentin. This study evaluated MCDs as adhesive comonomers, and optimized comonomer and polymerization initiator concentrations for maximum shear bond strength (SBS). Experimental MCD-based bonding formulations in acetone were prepared by mixing 33 mass fraction % MCDs with (10, 20, 30, 40, or 50) mass fraction % of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). The MCD/HEMA-based solutions were activated with varied amounts of camphorquinone (CQ) and ethyl 4-dimethylamino benzoate (4E). Samples for SBS were prepared by bonding a composite resin to acid-etched dentin surfaces of extracted human molars with the experimental bonding solutions. The specimens were immersed in 37 °C water for 24 h and bond strengths were determined in shear mode. With increasing HEMA concentration, the SBS values of MCD-bonding solutions increased to 16 MPa at a composition of 33% MCD, 30% HEMA, and 37% acetone by mass. Also, SBS values of MCD-bonding solutions varied as a function of the CQ and 4E concentrations and passed through a maximum SBS at 21 MPa, which was comparable to that of a commercial control. This preliminary study indicated that nonacidic MCD monomers could be used as an adhesion-promoting comonomer. Additional modification of MCDs having both polymerizable groups and anionic ligand groups, e.g., polymerizable acidic cyclodextrin derivatives should increase the SBS even further.

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