
She Scattered Love Like Wildflower Seed Clay Matthews (bio) Swallows write their cursive namesacross the sky, and the one caught in the back of the throatwaits to say: quiet; be still. Before the storm,the edges of a page torn and burned, movingin the wind, the rose peeking in and out of the windowwaiting for us to blossom, too. In the yardthe dandelions clone themselves: asexualand turned on by the speed of passing clouds. What storydo they tell on the other side of this glass? Would we listenif the prophet brought news we didn't want to hear?Birds watch the helpless [End Page 23] way everything fallsto the ground. They know a love story like thisalways begins with water. [End Page 24] Clay Matthews Clay Matthews has published poetry in journals such as the American Poetry Review, Blackbird, Kenyon Review, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. His books are Superfecta (Ghost Road Press), RUNOFF (BlazeVox), Pretty, Rooster and Shore (both from Cooper Dillon), and, most recently, Four-Way Lug Wrench (Main Street Rag Books). He currently lives in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and teaches at Elizabethtown Community & Technical College. Copyright © 2021 Berea College

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