
Ayurveda has the oldest and the most developed herbal system in the world. Shatpushpa commonly known as “Dill seeds” has been recognized in different system of traditional medicines for the treatment of different diseases and ailments of human beings. However, in relation with female health, Shatpushpa holds a significant role. In spite of advances in science, management of gynaecological disorders is still not satisfactory. As hormonal and surgical treatment approach is having various side effects, herbal treatment following Ayurvedic principles is most preferable. Various recent researches have also proved its beneficiary effects in various disorders like Dysmenorrhoea, Postpartum haemorrhage, Infertility etc. In present study an effort has been put forth to focus on the benefits of Shatpushpa in relation to female health.


  • 2) Oligomenorrhea- A Ghose, P K Panda et al has proved that Shatpushpa powder 5 gm twice daily with cow ghrita for 3 months is helpful to correct irregularity of interval of menstruation (90.47%), duration of menstruation (79.37%), amount of blood flow (90.0%) and pain during menstruation (100%) which were highly significant in clinical study.[6]

  • Study conducted on Shatpushpa churna showed better result (64.52%) in comparison to Pippalyadi Churna (61.57%) in dominant follicle, endometrial thickness, fern test, Spinn barkeit test, duration of menses, Dysmenorrhoea and Dyspereunia.[8]

  • Shatpushpa works as a wonder drug in restoring health as well as various gynecological disorders suffered by most of the females in the present scenario

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1. To study the Ayurvedic properties of Shatpushpa. 2. To study and critically analyze latest researches on Shatpushpa concerned with female health. Search Crieteria: Description of Shatpushpa was studied from classical texts of Ayurveda including

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