
We consider Bayesian estimate of static magnetic field, characterized by a prior Gaussian probability distribution, in systems of a few electron quantum dot spins interacting with infinite temperature spin environment via hyperfine interaction. Sudden transitions among optimal states and measurements are observed. Usefulness of measuring occupation levels is shown for all times of the evolution, together with the role of entanglement in the optimal scenario. For low values of magnetic field, memory effects stemming from the interaction with environment provide limited metrological advantage.


  • Quantum metrology relies on the fact that quantum correlations make state evolution more sensitive to dynamics which depends on some parameter that is supposed to be revealed

  • The purpose of our analysis is twofold: (i) We want to see to what extent entangled states allow for better estimation than classical resources. (ii) We want to check how the sensitivity of the dynamics depends on initial states for different times of duration of the evolution

  • Unless the system is especially experimentally prepared, for quantum dots in gallium arsenide the state of environment can be taken as maximally mixed due to small values of nuclear gyro-magnetic ratios, which results in nuclear Zeeman splittings corresponding to less than a mK for each Tesla of magnetic field applied to the system

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Outline of The Results

We give an overview of the main results. The more detailed description will be given in Sec. Our aim is to find the optimal initial state and measurement scheme which results in the narrower variance Δ2​Best – a signature of the gain of information about the field It is achieved by numerical optimization yielding optimal strategies for given time of the evolution and initial probability distribution of the parameter. In the most global picture, we find quantum strategies relying on initial entanglement be superior to classical ones in the first stages of the evolution (where the global optimum is achieved), while product, non-coherent strategies are dominant in long time regime. This is in this regime that, for a unitary evolution, solely phase-dependent strategies would lead to no increase of information about the magnetic field value, due to a non-zero Δ2Bprior. As a signature of non-Markovian evolution, in small fields we observe a partial recovery of the initial correlation factors of spin states, with information about the magnetic field encoded in their amplitude

Model of an Electron Spin in a Quantum Dot System
For very large magnetic fields
Bayesian Metrology
Optimal Strategies for Magnetometry
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