
It is theoretically and numerically shown that when tightly focusing an n-th order vector light field that has the central V-point (at which the linear polarization direction is undetermined), the polarization singularity index n, and a "flower"-shaped intensity pattern with 2(n-1) lobes it forms a transverse intensity distribution with 2(n-1) local maxima. At the same time, a vector light field with the polarization singularity index -n, which has the form of a "web" with 2(n+1) cells generates at the sharp focus a transverse intensity distribution with 2(n+1) local maxima. In the focal spot, either 2(n-1) or 2(n+1) V-point polarization singularities with alternating indices +1 or -1 are formed at the intensity zero.


  • A vector light field with the polarization singularity index -n, which has the form of a "web" with 2(n + 1) cells generates at the sharp focus a transverse intensity distribution with 2(n + 1) local maxima

  • Kovalev 1,2 1 IPSI RAS – Branch of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS, 443001, Samara, Russia, Molodogvardeyskaya 151, 2 Samara National Research University, 443086, Samara, Russia, MoskovskoyeShosse 34

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Индекс поляризационной сингулярности векторного поля в начальной плоскости

Рассмотрим начальное поле с азимутальной поляризацией n-го порядка, вектор Джонса которого имеет вид [14, 15]: En ( ).

Im Ex 2
Число локальных максимумов интенсивности в фокусе векторного поля
Индекс поляризационной сингулярности обобщенного векторного поля
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