
The problem that occurs in knowledge management is that several individuals control a lot of knowledge so when these individuals leave the organization, the organization will lose its knowledge. Therefore knowledge sharing is very important for the success of educational institutions. This study aims to examine the willingness to share tacit knowledge, its relation to perceived values, and altruistic behavior. This research was conducted at a private university in Central Java with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative approach uses a sample of 294 lecturers. Qualitative approach through triangulation of higher education leadership sources. The results of the study concluded that altruistic behavior is the best predictor in forming the desire to share knowledge between lecturers both internally and externally, and perceived value support is also an important factor for sharing knowledge. This finding implies the need to build a culture of sharing tacit knowledge through regular discussions at the study program level at the lowest structural scope. Discussions at the faculty and university level, as well as discussions with external parties, both fellow academics, and non-academicians, these activities must be under the umbrella of academic regulations and enhance the role of quality assurance as a control tool. All of this is believed to improve the quality of lecturers in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

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