
The current study aimed to clarify the Sharia violations on the Al-Atfal satellite channel Taha by reviewing the nodal, devotional and ethical violations contained in the channel. Which was prepared to analyze the content and monitor the legal violations in the channel in the paragraphs, songs and programs it broadcasts. This study is classified from the tribal studies that are concerned with analyzing the content based on a previously prepared analysis tool. The study concluded with a number of results, including: Explaining the doctrinal violations in the contents of the Taha satellite channel, represented by a number of violations of varying proportions, where the Al-Lattamiyat category was ranked first, and these groups aim to form a spiritual belief among the followers of the doctrine through repeated display and diversification of shapes, and showing violations. Devotion in the Taha channel, as the category of raising Shiite flags with Shiite symbols came first, and it seeks to replace worship rituals with Islamic religious rituals by increasing the display and intensifying them, while the category of chants and loud voice came first from behavioral and moral violations, and it aims to mobilize the masses And pitting them against the Sunnis. The study recommends the need for the legal, advocacy and media institutions to pay attention to the production of media programs that present the true image of Islam and Muslims, and present the principles, worship, legislation and behavior of Islam in accordance with the true curriculum that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and to publish and broadcast these programs on the level of Arab and Islamic satellite channels, and to be careful to correct the image. Misleading about Islam, its principles and legislation provided by Shiite satellite channels, and issuing a constantly updated list that includes the names of the rejectionist channels and other things that contain legal and value violations, so that they are published and circulated using social media and mobile applications, warning against them and not allowing their broadcasts to reach people.

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