
Recently, the information technology has evolved toward the ubiquitous environment accessible to the network everywhere and every time. The ubiquitous environment can provide easy access to the devices and make one’s economical benefit also. The RFID system is an important core technology in ubiquitous environment. RFID system consists of contactless devices to communicate each other by radio frequency. It provides technologies of automatic object identification in invisible range, read/write function and adaptability against various circumstances. These advantages make RFID system to be applied in various fields and expect one of the big markets in the area of human life such as traffic card system, toll gate system, logistics, access control, etc. As RFID tags identify many different types of objects, it is going to increase the tags that have to be carry in individual life. But it is uneasy for a person to control many tags in a hand because traditional RFID systems have restriction that is one tag per each object and it is difficult to distinguish tags without some kind of effort. That is why a tag is used to store identifying information just for a single object in common RFID applications. We propose a multiple objects tag structure which can be shared by many different applications. As a tag is used to identify only one type of object, it is expected to have many tags increasingly by people or things. If a tag can be shared by many RFID application objects, it will be more efficient to RFID users and will be helpful to the information integration as well as device sharing. So, we design a RFID tag structure which has many different identifiers. This tag can be used to access many different RFID applications. We also propose an efficient authentication protocol adapted to the multiple objects tag structure. We consider robustness of the authentication protocol against various attacks in the proposed scheme. RFID system often makes serious violation of privacy and security caused by various attacks through the weak wireless interface. Eavesdropping, location tracking, spoofing, message losses or replay attack can threaten RFID components anywhere and anytime. To protect RFID system from these kinds of attacks, researchers have studied several schemes such as Faraday cage scheme (mCloak, 2003), blocker-tag scheme (Juels et al., 2003), hash lock scheme (Weis et al., 2003), randomized hash lock (Weis et al., 2003), hash chain (Ohkubo et al., 2003) and variable ID scheme (Saito & Sakurai, 2003), etc. However, these schemes have restrictions that each object is just corresponding to one tag. So, it is O pe n A cc es s D at ab as e w w w .in te ch w eb .o rg

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