
Shared Services Centre (SSC) is one of the tenets of Digital-Era Governance (DEG) that integrates information systems for organizations to easily interact with each other sharing activities, processes, services, knowledge, technological infrastructure and best practices without necessarily affecting their autonomy. The Nigeria public sector is yet to make parallel with this basic tenets of DEG in it bureaucratic processes which have advisedly affected it level of service delivery. This paper intends to analyze empirically the motives and other management issues of establishing Niger State One-Corner-Stock-Shop (OCSS). The paper however employed a standalone qualitative case study. The findings revealed that the OCSS is still work in progress into ICT’s potentials that for now creates clients conveniences, enable sustainable ICT infrastructure and enhanced mutual interactions for participating organizations.


  • Dunleavy[1], asserts that we are in a ‘d igital-era governance’(DEG), characterised by using ICT to reintegrate services, design services around people’s needs, and enable citizens to access services online

  • One of the most critica l cha llenges of the SS paradig m is how to integrate for instance routine administrative activit ies such as information-data systems to a Services Centre (SSC) in such a way that different organizations can suitably interact with each other by sharing activities, processes services etc

  • Case study is preferred because the story is unique and provides context to other data, offering a more co mp lete picture of what transpired in Niger state one-corner-stock-shop, Holetzky,[2]

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Dunleavy[1], asserts that we are in a ‘d igital-era governance’(DEG), characterised by using ICT to reintegrate services, design services around people’s needs, and enable citizens to access services online. One of the most critica l cha llenges of the SS paradig m is how to integrate for instance routine administrative activit ies such as information-data systems to a SSC in such a way that different organizations can suitably interact with each other by sharing activities, processes services etc. This integration essentially create pull of economies of scale such as reducing time dedicated to bureaucratic processes by clients, increases quality of services delivery, allows sharing of knowledge, information and best practices. This research examines what an SSC infrastructure is, how to consider evolving one, and best practices for launching such an initiat ive to avoid a mishmash of init iatives and achieve maximu m econo mies of scale within the public sector

Methodol ogy
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