
DThis study was designed to gain a greaterunderstanding of the effects cancer has onfamilies while simultaneously developingfamily therapy interventions that are help-ful for families experiencing the crucible ofcancer. On the basis of an action researchparadigm, the authors designed an inten-sive case-analysis protocol involving resec-tive interviewing to learn about the per-sonal perspectives of family members whoparticipate in therapeutic treatment forcancer. An integration of resective insightby the families, their therapist, and the re-search team ultimately revealed that cancerfamilies face an ongoing struggle (a) be-tween feelings of isolation and connected-ness, (b) to make meaning of cancer in theirlife, and (c) to Þnd ways of incorporatingcancer into their current world view. Thestudy also revealed shared experiencebuilding and interactive psychoeducationto be the most signiÞcant components of thetherapeutic treatment process for cancerfamilies.

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