
The enduring appeal of traditional cinema viewing in the face of alternative experiences, including streaming services and emerging technologies, such as extended reality, is rooted in its esthetic, cultural, and social significance. While the psychological appeal of shared cinematic experiences has gained attention in scholarship, there is a need to further explore the potential enhancement of these experiences through the integration of immersive technologies. The communal nature of cinema fosters social connection, especially in a post-pandemic context marked by widespread social isolation. This study highlights the psychological benefits of shared cinematic experiences and emphasizes the next phase of cinematic evolution, which integrates mixed-reality components while retaining the traditional communal and focused viewing experience. By merging physical and virtual elements, mixed reality offers a unique avenue for exploring the intersection of technology and psychology in the context of cinema. In addition, this article addresses practical applications for filmmakers and industry professionals by outlining technical considerations for integrating mixed-reality elements throughout the filmmaking process, from production to distribution and viewing. The integration of mixed-reality components represents a significant step in the evolution of cinema, providing valuable insights into its potential implications for the research community and the film industry.

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