
In this paper, an optimization procedure, based on an Isogeometric BEM solver for the potential flow, is developed and used for the shape optimization of hydrofoils. The formulation of the exterior potential-flow problem reduces to a Boundary-Integral Equation (BIE) for the associated velocity potential exploiting the null-pressure jump Kutta condition at the trailing edge. The numerical solution of the BIE is performed by an Isogeometric Boundary-Element Method (BEM) combining a generic B-splines parametric modeler for generating hydrofoil shapes, using a set of eight parameters, the very same basis of the geometric representation for representing the velocity potential and collocation at the Greville abscissas of the knot vector of the hydrofoil’s B-splines representation. Furthermore, the optimization environment is developed based on the geometric parametric modeler for the hydrofoil, the Isogeometric BEM solver and an optimizer employing a controlled elitist genetic algorithm. Multi-objective hydrofoil shape optimization examples are demonstrated with respect to the criteria (i) maximum lift coefficient and (ii) minimum deviation of the hydrofoil area from a reference area.

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