
NiTi foams were created with a structure (32–36% open pores 70–400 μm in size) and mechanical properties (4–25 GPa stiffness, >1000 MPa compressive strength, >42% compressive ductility, and shape-memory strains up to 4%) useful for bone implant applications. A mixture of NiTi and NaCl powders was hot-isostatically pressed at 950 and 1065 °C and the NaCl phase was then dissolved in water. The resulting NiTi foams show interconnected pores that replicate the shape and size of the NaCl powders, indicating that NiTi powders densified significantly before NaCl melted at 801 °C. Densifying NiTi or other metal powders above the melting point of the space-holder permits the use of NaCl, with the following advantages compared with higher-melting, solid space-holders such as oxides and fluorides used to date: (i) no temperature limit for densification; (ii) lower cost; (iii) greater flexibility in powder (and thus pore) shape; (iv) faster dissolution; (v) reduced metal corrosion during dissolution; (vi) lower toxicity if space-holder residues remain in the foam.

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